The internet in relation to our mobile phones is quickly developing and morphing into something that will change the way we live and will definitely make the world our children grow up in a completely different place. The internet being accessible from a device that we can store in our pocket has far wielding applications and computer developers are just now opening their eyes to the possibilities.
The constraints that our desktop computers put on us as users and two fold. They hinder us location wise and where we can take our computers and they constrain us by their ability to mostly interact with them through the keyboard. The mobile phones undo our chains to our desks in our homes or offices. Now we are free to roam the world with our tiny computers in our pockets, because that is what they are. We continue to refer to them as cell phones, but truly this is not the case. They should be called by their rightful name, and that is miniature computer.
These mini computers we put in our pockets allow us to now only put information in them through their tiny keypads, but they also let us photograph the world around us and input this information to their tiny cpu's and therefore upload it to the internet. This will revolutionize the way we shop. Now we can take a picture of a bar code and instantaneously purchase an item that we see in a store window and have that item shipped to us directly. The myriad of uses is just being discovered. There are so many things that can have barcodes attached to them, and so many other things can be transmitted through picture.
The uses of the mobile phone internet are just being recognized, but they are vast and will change the landscape of the world we live in. The future will hold a special spot for these little devices and they will change the way we live and operate in the world.
The constraints that our desktop computers put on us as users and two fold. They hinder us location wise and where we can take our computers and they constrain us by their ability to mostly interact with them through the keyboard. The mobile phones undo our chains to our desks in our homes or offices. Now we are free to roam the world with our tiny computers in our pockets, because that is what they are. We continue to refer to them as cell phones, but truly this is not the case. They should be called by their rightful name, and that is miniature computer.
These mini computers we put in our pockets allow us to now only put information in them through their tiny keypads, but they also let us photograph the world around us and input this information to their tiny cpu's and therefore upload it to the internet. This will revolutionize the way we shop. Now we can take a picture of a bar code and instantaneously purchase an item that we see in a store window and have that item shipped to us directly. The myriad of uses is just being discovered. There are so many things that can have barcodes attached to them, and so many other things can be transmitted through picture.
The uses of the mobile phone internet are just being recognized, but they are vast and will change the landscape of the world we live in. The future will hold a special spot for these little devices and they will change the way we live and operate in the world.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_E_Jones
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