Knowing Your Computer Parts

You may say understanding a computer is a man's job, but you've got to understand how a computer works as well. You don't have to get down to every technical detail of it all, but knowing the basics and getting an idea of what each computer part is called is important. You may wonder why now, but the next time your computer breaks down and you have to call the technical department, at least you'd be able to identify the parts!

There are basically three parts to a computer which are the basic computer itself, the input and the output. The computer itself compromises of outer hardware and inner hardware. As for the outer hardware, there is the mouse which you use to move the cursor around, the keyboard that is used to type, the monitor that holds the screen, the desktop case that holds the monitor together and then there is the tower case which would be the part of the computer that holds all the inner hardware.

On the tower case, you would find the on and off button, slots for your portable drives, slots for your memory cards and depending on the model, some would have floppy disk slots while more recent ones wouldn't. There's also the CD-ROM compartment where the CD's and DVD disc are slotted in.

As for the input devices, there are quite a few ways to get this sort of information, most commonly being the characters we type through the keyboard. But some of the input devices that are widely used today are digital cameras, mobile phones which can be easily connected with USB cables and scanners as well. When it comes to output, just think of devices that gives you an end product. A few examples would be printers, speakers and monitors are output devices too!

So, know your computer parts and broaden your knowledge!

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